Energy Efficiency in India has gathered significant momentum over the last 15 years since the ground-breaking Energy Conservation Act. This Act led to the creation of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the State Designated Agencies (SDAs) in the states. It also put in place the much needed institutional framework that had been missing so far.
Since then, BEE has developed the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), a Standards and Labelling programme for the most energy intensive appliances and an ambitious and innovative industrial energy efficiency program, Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT).
However, there is substantial potential to impact energy efficiency and reduce energy demand at the national level through sustained state action across all energy demand sectors.
Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), under the guidance and leadership of the Bureasu of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and NITI Aayog, has developed the State Energy Efficiency (EE) Index for 29 Indian states and the National Capital Territory of Delhi to
- Help drive EE policies & program implementation at state and local level
- Track progress in managing India’s energy footprint
- Highlight best practices & encourage healthy competition among states
- Set a baseline for EE efforts to date & set state-specific EE targets
The State EE Index comprises 63 qualitative, quantitative, outcome-based indicators to assess energy efficiency initiatives, programmes and outcomes in 5 sectors – Buildings, Industry, Municipalities, Transport, Agriculture and Distribution Companies (DISCOMs); looking at policy & regulation, financing mechanisms, institutional capacity, adoption of EE measures and energy savings.
When performed on an annual/biennial basis the State Energy Efficiency Index shall enable data-driven evidence-based policy formulation and help drive EE policies & program implementation at the state and local level.