State Energy Efficiency Index 2020
Front Runner > 60
Achiever 50-60
Contender 30-49.5
Aspirant < 30

The State Energy Efficiency Index 2020 has been developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE). This year’s Index has 68 indicators covering all demand sectors – buildings, industry, municipalities, transport, agriculture – and DISCOMs. Thirty-six states and union territories have been assessed in State EE Index 2020. Based on their efforts and achievements, states have been classified as ‘Front runner’, ‘Achiever’, ‘Contender’ and ‘Aspirant’. Based on data collected by AEEE from SDAs, and from data available in state and central government reports, as on 4 December 2020; subsequently reviewed by SDAs and BEE.