State Energy Efficiency Index 2021-22

1 Front Runner >= 60
2 Achiever 50-59.75
3 Contender 30-49.75
4 Aspirant < 30
state improved statesMost improved states
Most improved states include Chandigarh, which is not marked with a star on the map due to its small size

The State Energy Efficiency Index 2023 (SEEI 2023) has been developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in collaboration with Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE). SEEI 2023 comprises 65 qualitative, quantitative, and outcome-based indicators, both common and programme-specific, distributed across seven (7) demand sectors: Buildings, Industries, Municipal Services, Transport, Agriculture, DISCOMs, and Cross-Sector. In SEEI 2023, 36 states and union territories have been assessed for their energy efficiency progress in FY 2022-23. States have been categorized as ‘Front Runner,’ ‘Achiever,’ ‘Contender,’ or ‘Aspirant’ based on their efforts and achievements.

Based on data collected by AEEE from SDAs and data available in the state and central government reports, as of November 28, 2023, reviewed by BEE.